Measuring Ekg Strips. This would be 17 x 6 102. The second line should be exactly 30 large squares subsequent to the first line. Each larger square is 5 mm in length and represents 0 2 seconds. To briefly summarize the components of a normal ekg strip it consist of components which indicate electrical events during one heart beat.
The second line should be exactly 30 large squares subsequent to the first line. Find the p wave on the ekg strip. Normal sinus rhythm 1st degree av block. Steps on how to measure the pr interval. 30 large squares on an ecg trace represents exactly 6 seconds. If there is 1 large square between r waves the heart rate is 300 bpm.
Voltage is measured along the vertical axis.
If there is 1 large square between r waves the heart rate is 300 bpm. One present for each qrs pr interval. Heart rate is 300 divided by the number of large squares and that s it. Many of the lessons in this course have ecg practice drills. Two large squares 150 bpm three large squares 100 bpm four 75 bpm. The first line should be near the left hand side of the paper containing the ecg trace.